Friday, May 27, 2016

source : google

Mindfulness or Mindfullness ?

What is mindfulness?

source : google

Mindfulness is a mental state that  can be achieved by being present on the moment and be focused while acknowledging and accepting the feeling, thoughts, and the sensation of the body. 

Hey, Lets begin with Easy-peasy techniques!

Password therapy : use a motivational word or phrase as your password. This technique is like talking to yourself but, no cheating with saved password. Example (password : alliswell).

source : google
Mindfulness Walks : observing while walking  around and take everything in by using all your  sense. 

Snapping to life : Focus. If your though wandering around, find a way to come back to life. Sometimes, we need to be fully present.
source : google

Practice being curious : Curiosity is not that bad. It is good technique in practicing mindfulness. For example, when you take a bath, imagine that was first time feeling the water, smelling the soap or watching the steam as it shifts and changes before their eyes.

Forgive and invite : When we get caught in an obstacle in our life, we “forgive” ourselves for the time gone by, investigate the obstacle to learn from it, and then “invite” ourselves to begin again.

source : google
Hold the emotion lightly  : This enable us to not get so wrapped up in the difficult feeling and when the comfortable emotion are present, also hold them lightly as we know that are not permanent feeling. So that we can be grateful at a good moment and be graceful during difficult ones.

And here we come....the benefits of mindfulness.... =D

P/s: You can learn more about the techniques on the links below! Hey, lets try!

References :

Emmons, R. A., & McCullough, M.E. (2003). “Counting blessings versus burdens: An experimental investigation of gratitude and subjective well-being in daily life.” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 84, 377-389.

Hölzel, B., Carmody, J., Vangel, M., Congleton, C., Yerramsetti, S., Gard, T., Lazar (2011) S. Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter densityPsychiatry Research: Neuroimaging, 191 (1)

By : Nurul Azwa Syahida Binti Yusof (48563)

Sunday, May 22, 2016

10 Motivational Tips to Inspire You to Become Successful

Source: Google

The desire to achieve success is inherent in every human being. it is the desire to grow, do  more, achieve more and do make one's things come true. Your dreams can become your reality, if you have a strong desire are determined to succeed. 

I have written a few motivational tips which i hope would help you through your journey to success. 

Tip# 1: Imagination   

Source : Google

It often turns into reality. Imagine a certain situation over and again, withe love and joy and sooner or later you will attract it into your life, provided you don't let contradictory thoughts enter your mind. Start with simple situations first to gain faith and experience with process. 

Tips# 2: What you do everyday will turn into a habit

Choose habits that will lead you to success and repeat them everyday. In time, they will become automatic, not requiring thought, attention or effort. There are many new habits you can adopt, such as positive thinking, being on time, being more considerate, getting a stronger willpower or staying calm in difficult situations.

Tips# 3: Letting moods control your life like sitting in a boat and letting the waves and currents take you wherever they please.

Source: Google
Developing inner strength and self-discipline is like attaching a powerful engine to your boat. with this powerful engine, you will be able to navigate the boat of your mind wherever you want.

Tips# 4: Sometimes, the right thing to do is break the obstacles on your way. At other times, a better course of action would be to climb over the obstacle. There are times when go around it is to be recommended. sometimes, it would be wiser to find a completely new router, new direction.

Tips# 5: Never lose hope

Source: Google
No matter how bleak things look, hope is the rope that will pull you up. It is your connection, yours stairway to get to your dreams and expectations realized. So, never leave the rope of hope.

Tips# 6: When reading inspirational books, articles or quotes, strive to read between the lines. This is where intuition and wisdom will arise and bring greater truths. the words lead you to the understanding. Reading between the words lead you to wisdom.

Tips# 7 : To get positive results from positive thinking and also positive action
Positive thinking would make you happy, good-matured and optimistic. it will also make you aware of opportunities. Meanwhile, positive thinking action would make positive thinking work for you and bring the results that you want. So, take action to make things happen. this is positive thinking in action.

Tips# 8: Even if you live in poor or far away place, you can achieve success. 
With a focused and clear goal, strong desire, and the use of visualization and affirmations, you will get where you want. With belief and determination, you can make the necessary changes in your life.

Tips# 9: Treat your time like money in the bank

What do you spend it on? Don't waste your time. Use it correctly. Everyday that passes like an amount of money that you drew from your account. If you are careful with your money, you also should be careful with your time. Spend it on something that helps you, adds value to your life, gets you somewhere and helps other people.

Tips# 10: Adopt an attitude of calmness and open-mindedness
Source: Google

For example, an attitude would make it easier for you to see new opportunities, conceive new ideas, focus on goals and see things from a different point of view. This will increase your chances of achieving success.

Posted By : Hun Mi Mi (46995)

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

sparx vs depression

Salam sejahtera kepada pensyarah tersayang, Puan Salmah dan rakan-rakan seperjuangan sekalian, topik yang akan saya bawa ialah,



Sumber: Google

Seperti yang kita sedia maklum, permainan computer selalu dianggap sebagai faktor yang membuatkan remaja tidak aktif dan suka mengasingkan diri. Namun kini permainan ini dalam satu program inovatif di New Zealand, digunakan sebagai salah satu kaedah untuk merawat kemurungan di dalam kalangan remaja.

Sumber: Google

Berbanding dengan permainan lain, permainan video Sparx cuba mengajar pemainnya cara untuk menanangi kemurungan menggunakan pendekatan CBT. Namun begitu, aspek penting dalam setiap permainan iaitu elemen keseronokkan tetap diberi keutamaan. Ini dapat membantu mereka yang berat hati untuk mendapatkan bantuan khidmat kaunseling.

Hasil daripada permainan yang mempunyai peranan fantasi itu dimana remaja bertindak sebagai pahlawan avatar dan perlu membedil pemikiran negatif dengan bola api, pada masa sama cuba untuk menyelamatkan bumi daripada tenggelam dalam rasa pesimis dan putus asa.

Ketua projek, Sally Merry, psikiatri kanak-kanak dan remaja di Universiti Auckland, berkata pendekatan yang lari daripada konsep konvensional itu terbukti lebih popular di kalangan remaja kerana ia membolehkan golongan muda ini melahirkan masalah mereka secara rahsia mengikut kelapangan masing-masing.

“Anda boleh mengendalikan masalah kesihatan mental dalam cara yang lebih ringan. Kaedah rawatan tidak semestinya perlu terlalu serius sehingga membuatkan orang tertekan. Kami cuba mencari kaedah terapi yang menyeronokkan”

“Masalah kemurungan di kalangan golongan muda adalah masalah antarabangsa, ia sering berlaku tetapi paling kurang diberikan rawatan”

“Memang biasa apabila remaja berasa tidak bersemangat, tetapi tidak sedar apa yang berlaku pada mereka. Mereka cuma tahu ada perasaan ‘lantaklah’ dan menerimanya sebagai sesuatu yang mereka perlu hadapi dan bertahan. Sparx dan CBT menunjukkan kepada remaja ini bahawa mereka tidak sepatutnya menerima saja perasaan seperti itu”

                                                                                                                           - SALLY MERRY-  

Merry berkata, dia benar-benar mahu menjadikan rawatan untuk kemurungan lebih mudah diperolehi. 75 hingga 80 peratus remaja yang mengalami kemurungan tidak mendapatkan bantuan langsung, menyebabkan masalah itu boleh berlarutan dan mempengaruhi pelbagai aspek termasuk kemerosotan pelajaran, pengasingan sosial dan penampilan yang negatif. 

Permainan yang ditawarkan dalam program ini mempunyai tujuh peringkat dan setiap peringkat berlangsung selama 35 hingga 40 minit, tempoh yang sama dengan satu sesi kaunseling. Ia disasarkan untuk remaja berusia 13 hingga 17 tahun iaitu peringkat umur bermulanya kemurungan remaja.

posted by: Radiana Elya bt Abdul Rahman (48747)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Be Happy !

    Salam Sejahtera,

              Sebagai seorang bakal kaunselor di masa hadapan banyak benda yang perlu kita belajar untuk menjadi seorang kaunselor yang professional namun menjadi seorang kaunselor tetapi diri sendiri tidak gembira dan ceria akan menganggu rutin kita sebagai kaunselor yang professional pada masa akan dating. Jangan tunggu sehingga bekerja dahulu baru buat, tapi bermulalah sekarang semasa menjadi seorang pelajar. Sujujurnya, kami sebagai pelajar kaunseling juga mempunyai banyak tekanan malah bukan pelajar kaunseling sahaja tetapi siapa yang bergelar sebagai pelajar memang akan mengalami tekanan dan akan mengganggu keceriaan diri setiap hari. Jadi disini saya akan kongsikan beberapa tips untuk menjadi seorang yang ceria dan gembira selalu disamping banyak tugasan yang perlu dilakukan.
 Sumber : google
Tips # 1 : Jangan Menyimpan Benci Dalam Diri
Setiap manusia tidak dinafikan akan ada perasaan benci terhadap sesuatu perkara tidak kiralah sama ada dengan kawan - kawan, diri sendiri, keluarga atau yang lain. Tahukah anda, perasaan benci yang kita simpan akan memudaratkan kegembiraan kita seharian dan akan menyebabkan kita tidak menjadi ceria. Apabila kita menyimpan perasaan benci maka ia akan merosakkan niat keikhlasan kamu untuk melakukan sesuatu benda. Bila kita tidak ikhlas melakukan sesuatu benda tersebut seperti tugasan maka markah yang kita dapat akan membuat kita tidak berpuas hati. Betul kan? :-) Jadi sebagai seorang manusia janganlah kita menyimpan perasaan benci. " Benci itu ibarat sekam yang akan membangkitkan dendam".
Sumber: Google

Tips # 2 : Sentiasa Menghadiahkan Senyuman
Senyum bukanlah perkara yang susah untuk dilakukan seharian bukan? Tidak salah kita memberikan senyuman kepada orang lain TETAPI senyum itu kenalah bertempat kan. Senyuman bermaksud kita mempunyai jiwa yang damai dan niat yang baik serta ikhlas untuk melakukan sesuatu. Senyuman juga mungkin bermaksud keyakinan diri bagi sesetengah orang. Cuba anda bayangkan jika hari-harimu tidak menyedekahkan senyuman pasti ia menambah tekanan bukan? Kita senyum terhadap orang bukanlah bermaksud kita suka padanya tapi ia juga salah satu cara kita bagaimana untuk memulakan persahabatan antara kita.
 Sumber : Google

Tips # 3 : Sentiasa Memaafkan
Kita sebagai manusia dan juga pelajar tidak akan lari dari pelbagai masalah namun adakah kamu akan mengekalkan sikap dendam tersebut dalam diri anda? Bukan senang bagi sesetengah manusia bagi memaafkan tetapi yakinlah memaafkan bukanlah benda yang buruk sebaliknya ia akan menjadi permulaan jalinan persahabata atau perhubungan sesama manusia. Jika kita tidak memaafkan setiap kesalahan bagaimana kita akan menjadi seorang yang ceria dan gembira disamping mempunyai perasaan dendam dalam diri. Ia akan merumitkan keadaan bukan? Mungkin orang yang kita maafkan itu akan menjadi seorang yang lebih baik pada masa akan datang. Ini bermaksud kita juga membantu individu untuk berubah kearaha yang lebih positif secara tidak langsung.

 Sumber: google

Tips # 4 : Terima Keadaan Diri Kita Seadanya
Tidak dinafikan sesetengah individu mempunyai perasaan iri hati terhadap orang lain dan menganggap kekurangan itu dilihat tidak baik dimata orang lain. Sebenarnya apa yang kita ada dan bagaimana kita sekarang itu adalah anugerah Tuhan jadi kenapa kita perlu menjadi orang lain untuk menjadi seorang yang sempurna? Kita tidak akan merasa bahagia atau ceria jika diri  kita sendiri kita tidak dapat terima bukan? Jadi terimalah keadaan kita seadanya dan perbaiki kekurangan yang ada pada diri sendiri dan tidak mustahil kekurangan itu menjadi semangat kita untuk menghadapi sesuatu cabaran . :-) Kebahagian dan kecerian tidak semestinya kita dapat dari orang lain namun kita boleh dapatkannya dalam diri sendiri.
Sumber : google

Tips # 5 : Jaga Kesihatan
Semua manusia akan menjadi tidak ceria dan tidak gembira ketika sakit bukan? Kesihatan adalah bahagian yang paling penting dalam hidup kita, dan bagaimana untuk kita jaga kesihatan adalah antaranya jangan sesekali tinggalkan masa makan anda! Sesibuk apapun kita makan merupakan keperluan tubuh badan kita, jika kita tidak makan tenaga kita juga akan berkurangan. Jadi bila tenaga berkurangan mood untuk senyum dan melakukan kerja juga akan berkurangan menyebabkan kita kelihatan lemah dan lesu. Disini, keceriaan kita tidak lagi teserlah. Jadi, menjadi seorang yang ceria  dan bahagia bukanlah sesuatu perkara yang susah.

Sekian sahaja perkongsian daripada saya, semoga perkongsian ini memberi manfaat kepada setiap orang yang membaca.

Link Blog :

Posted by : Zeniefor Ereska Michael (49526)

Relaxation Script

Blog this time I will share some of the "script" to reduce anxiety and stress. Based on the writing of Hanna Rodriguez counselor, she has used the technique of positive visual imagery. Often these are used positive imagery to guide clients through a delightful experience with a view. Counselor Hanna Rodriguez used a more impressionistic with questions that imply or suggest a particular sensation.  With this, the client can use to interpret their experience in any way that is meaningful for them. Besides that, client breathing method is also important because it make the client focuses on activities. This breathing technique involves 5 steps to get the best breathing. The first step is to make sure people sit or lie down in a comfortable condition. After that, the individual inhale for 4 seconds (breathing through the nose). The third step, the individual must hold breathing for 2 seconds and then release the breath within 6 seconds (if possible through the nose). Before performing the fifth step, the individual must pause before resuming training this breathing technique.


1.      "Before we get started, I'd like to invite each of you to get comfortable. Feel free to move around the room, you may change the direction you are facing if that would help you to feel comfortable. You may choose to close your eyes, or keep them open and find a place in the room to focus, or focus on your image card. We are about to begin. Any questions?" 

2.      I invite you to begin by taking a deep breath, and close your eyes. Imagine you are in the most beautiful place in the world.

3.      As you continue to relax your body and take slow, deep breaths, see the vivid colors all around you and just take a moment to appreciate those colors. Do you see bright green grass, or tall trees? Do you see beautiful pinks, yellows, blues in the bright flowers? Look up to the sky. What colors do you see? Notice whether you see the sun or the moon. Is it a bright, sunny day or a cool evening with a vibrant sunset? Take it all in as you breathe.

4.      Take a moment to notice what is going on in your mind. Bring yourself back to the most beautiful place in the world. Notice what your body is doing, whether you choose to sit or stand, or take a little stroll in your mind. How does the ground feel underneath you? Maybe there is sand between your toes, or you feel the coolness of the forest floor. Perhaps you are wading into a pool of water. Take a moment to breathe.

5    How does the air around you feel? Notice any warm or cool sensations, maybe the sun feels warm on your skin. Perhaps there's a gentle breeze. What else do you feel.

6.      What do you smell? Maybe you smell the saltiness of the ocean or perhaps you are walking through a field full of sweet aroma of flowers. Are you walking through the forest, musky, just after summer rain? Notice the pleasant aromas and breathe it in.

7.      Notice the sounds! Do you hear the birds singing and calling? Maybe you hear the roar of a waterfall in the distance. Do you hear the rustling of autumn leaves blowing about in the wind? Perhaps you hear the silence of winter as the snow crunches underfoot. What do you hear? Take a breath and soak it in.  

8.      As you breathe, notice your surroundings. Where did you choose to bring yourself? In this last moment, experience the colors, the sensations, notice the sky above you, the smells and sounds. Allow yourself to take it in. Maybe the corners of your mouth turn slightly up in a smile as you enjoy your relaxed state.  

9.      As you relax and breathe once more, think about this question: What sensations will you bring back with you as you come back to the present moment? You may begin to wiggle your fingers and toes as you calmly open your eyes and return to the group.


Calming Technique . (n.d.). Retrieved from Centre Clinical Intervention :
Rodriguez, H. (2016, April 26). 10 Minute "Impressionistic" Relaxation Script for Counselors . Retrieved from American Counseling Association:

By: Aqeelah Nur Ain Binti Ainuddin (49627)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Stories (draft - don't delete it)

(Source from Internet)

Each people has a story book of life, only you can write your own story in your story book. This is the one unique of us: only we can make story.

Everyone has his/her own story......can be past and now story. However, how you look on your story? Is the past of story make us become who are we today or what we have share about our story at now become who are me today? Actually we not need always share about our stories to others.

Maybe past happy and memorable events make us become a more positive person or past sadness and painful stories make us become more negative person. That is our choice, depends on how we define our self by past story or now story.

It is useless if we always share about the sadness or pain stories to others. We will always live in sadness and cannot left from sadness when we always think about these stories. The negative emotions will still remain in our mind. Then, we will mold us become a negative person and always feel guilty, hopeless and lost of energy. 

Some students felt that they are failure person when they always fail in exam or competition at past. They will easy to give up and lost of chance to change self when they have challenge. It is because they are not focus on now and their future.

Some people like to share their past bad stories and use these stories to define our self now. However these stories are not the main point of life. 

We need to accept them as a whole person, although how sadness and painful of someone's story. They can change to positive life at now. Focus on now and keep moving to positive.

(Source from Internet)

I like to listen people's story. Telling of story can let me more understand about the person. Telling story can make them to express their negative feelings and emotions, then they will felt released. However, it is very important to guide people to a new and positive story. This is the responsibility of counselor.

Bolog Title Link:

Yong Sing Jye

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Power Of Words

As counselors we know how deeply words matter. Indeed they can make a difference in the world either for good or evil for an individual, for groups, for families, and for our society.
    Once you know how words along with sound can be used to direct energy to produce magic effects, you will know that words can be as powerful or even more powerful than swords. When you move the letter “s” in “words” to the front, you get “sword.” This is not an accident.
Our Words Have The Power To Build Up Or Tear Down

Have you ever wondered why words can hurt you so much? When someone says an offensive word that hurts you at a very deep level, it can feel like someone is stabbing you with a sword. Words can hurt you like this because they carry vibration and energy. The right vibration and energy can easily penetrate your body, harming you or healing you at the deepest level of your being.

So next time you make a wish using words, you may want to think twice before making it. Like they say, “be careful what you wish for.”