Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Magic of Metaphor

What is Metaphor?

Metaphor is a literary device that compare two unlike things with common characteristics using the linking verbs such as is, are,was and were. Metaphors can compare the known to the unknown; the abstract to the concrete; or dry stuff to fascinating topics. For example, “You are my sunshine,” just like the sun brings warmth and happiness to someone’s day; you do the same, by bringing happiness to someone’s day. You are sunshine because you share the characteristic of making someone happy.

Source: Google

How do metaphors work?

Metaphors engage the right brain – just like stories and poems. They by-pass rationality and lower defenses to sales pitches. 


That’s why metaphors can make you more persuasive. Metaphors in therapy, as in life, are so powerful because they: 

• Allow us to shift our perspective and unlock old ways of thinking that do not work.
• Help us think flexibly.
• Evoke emotion, and feelings are the keys to change.
• Help us understand better than words alone
• Offer increased insight by associating a concept with an example that we understand well in everyday life.

The author of the blog said: "I have often been surprised that client resistance and confusion seems to diminish if I find the right metaphor that serves to bring on an "aha" moment in my therapy sessions. On many occasions, using a powerful metaphor can turn a session around and bring therapist and client to a new level of teamwork, especially as metaphors often evoke laughter and positive emotion, while limiting defensiveness.

This shows the effectiveness of metaphors in helping the client to gain their insight. We, as counsellor trainees are encouraged to use metaphorical stories and examples to help clients to visualise their points. 

Source: Google

In conclusion, there are infinite list of metaphors that our clients and us can use. Let us learn metaphors, apply metaphors and prepare to be amazed with its magic!





Hii Mon Rou 46980

How to Delegate a Task:9 Important Steps

Delegation not Abdication

What do you understand about DELEGATION?

According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, delegation is the act of giving control, authority, a job, a duty, etc to another person 

Every leader have to know how to delegate work among individual adequately. the given task or work need to be sure can give them input and can be apply in prrsent future. but many people understand word of DELEGATION and simply think of it as "telling someone to do something",

From How to Delegate a Task: 9 Important Steps entry, I learnt that it is important to delegate work among themselves when running an event. And I also learnt that even you as a leader already distributed the task but you also need to remains responsible for the ultimate outcome. I do really impressed with the question from the Anthony Centore ask to one of the manager which is "So when I delegate a task the responsibility is still on my plate?". That question taught me that as a leader I should not leave my workers alone and always guide them.

So here is 9 Important steps on how to delegate a task in this entry that I would like to share for everyone:

1. Find the Right Person
2. Ask the Person
3. Train and Equip the Person
4. Make the Task Specific and Achievable
5. Set Deadlines
6. Track Progress
7. Review Work
8. Beware of Upward Delegating
9. Give Feedback and Thanks

And I also have read some of the acronym from Bussinessballs which is have similarities on how to delegate a task.
What it is? It is SMART acronym. SMART is a simple delegation rule from Bussinessballs. It is quick checklist for proper delegation. Delegated tasks must be:


Every mission to be complete need a delegation of task equally or you might suffers alone like image above.

Thank You for reading my blog and hope you will gain something !




Monday, March 28, 2016

Art: A Wonderful Form of Therapy

sumber: google 

What is Art Therapy ? 

  • expressive therapy that uses the creative process to improve the physical, mental, and emotional well-being a person. So, the creative process help individual to resolve the issue and manage their behavior, stress, feeling and improve self esteem.
  • According to American Therapy Association, art therapy is refer to integrative mental health profession that combines knowledge and understanding of human development and the theories and techniques of visual art and the creative process to provide a unique approach to help customers improve psychological health, cognitive, sensory-motor and psychological functions.
  • The therapist use many ways to help client resolve the issue such as use a drawing and music. This two tools are very effective to uses because  it very therapeutic. 
  • Art therapy very therapeutic because it help client to interpret their issue from their drawing, coloring, singing, and dance. 

sumber: you tube 

Art therapy have "5 modalities" that explain in the video.  
  1. Art assessment 
  2. Art expression of feeling 
  3. Art as insight and understanding 
  4. Art as mood and affect 
  5. Art as therapeutic 
Benefit uses of Art Therapy 
  • It is an alternative form of communication. 
  • It may by pass internal censors. 
  • It allow distance from our feelings. 
  • It can provide a means of release. 
  • It can look again about the feeling now and later. 
  • It also help people to connect together. 

In addition, art therapy divided into several kinds of art such as music therapy and dance therapy. Music therapy is a therapy that combines a variety of art such as playing a musical instrument, sing and hear the song. For example uses of music therapy such as music therapy help teen with syndrome down, music therapy helps memory and Alzheimer patients and music therapy also help autism. For dance therapy refers to a dance and movement like dance help people have dementia. People will love to do this two therapy because it is the one of hobbies. 

sumber : google 


by Aqeelah Nur Ain Binti Ainuddin (49627)

Stress Management and Life Balance for Entrepreneurs.

Stress Management and Life Balance for entrepreneurs.

There are 5 ways to manage our stress.

Source: Google

sleep is particularly important for entrepreneurs.  When you are tired, your ability to manage stress drops through the floor and you can't  think clearly and creatively and you will make terrible business decision.  A typical recommendation is 7 to 9 hours per night.  Different people need different amount of sleep.

2. Exercise 
Source: Google
Exercise is important for the entrepreneurs.  Studies shown that moderate exercise improve mood and creativity.  the entrepreneurs should try scheduling just 30 minutes of gym into your daily routine.

3.Create a work  free zone
There was a time that the writer would maximize his home for productivity.  he built a home office, even though he had an office at work.  having a home office would make life easier and more productive.  what a terrible idea.  Doing work at home - in the proximity of family is not the same as being home with family.

4. Schedule fun
As an entrepreneurs you have a vast amount of work to complete at any given time, so you train yourself on being productive every space moment.  When others are listening to music while driving, you are on conference call about medical credentialing it's a skill you've develop over time and it helps you keep ahead.

5. No guilt.
Let yourself off the hook a little.  playing video games, reading gossip magazines or whatever it is that you find frivolous or fun is an important part of being productive.  Few strategies the writer found helpful for managing stress and finding balance strategies others ( not the writer) have found helpful is yoga, meditation, specific diets, spending time in nature, music and limiting use of electronics.

By: Cassera wee

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Choice of Forgiveness


Ya atau Tidak. Hanya diri kita sendiri yang tahu.

Sumber : Google

Adakah anda setuju jika saya katakan bahawa memaafkan itu merupakan suatu pilihan? Pilihan itu di tangan anda, sama ada untuk memaafkan atau tidak. Akan tetapi alangkah baiknya jika kita mampu untuk memaafkan kesalahan orang lain kerana kita telah memilih untuk bahagia daripada menyimpan dendam. Semua agama menggalakkan penganutnya untuk memaafkan orang lain kerana itu merupakan perkara yang mulia.  
Menurut Enright (2001) dalam bukunya yang bertajuk “Forgiveness Is A Choice”, beliau mengatakan bahawa kemaafan merupakan suatu proses dan dalam satu kajian yang telah dilakukan oleh kumpulan yang disertai olehnya, mereka mendapati bahawa selalunya dengan hanya mengungkapkan ‘Saya maafkan awak’ tidak mencukupi. Walaupun ungkapan itu telah dinyatakan, perasaan marah itu akan muncul kembali.

            Sumber : Google

Ciri-ciri Seorang Pemaaf (
1)  Bersabar
2) Mengawal perasaan marah
3) Menghilangkan perasaan dendam kesumat
 4) Lemah lembut

Di sini, ingin saya kongsikan satu kisah yang dikongsikan oleh Deb Del Vecchio-Scully di blog ACA yang bertajuk The Choice of Forgiveness. Kejadian ini berlaku sekitar awal tahun 2013, di mana berlakunya pembunuhan pelajar dan guru di Sandy Hook Elementary School. Ibu bapa pelajar yang terlibat telah berkongsi mengenai pilihan mereka untuk memaafkan penembak tersebut. Mereka tahu bahawa mereka boleh sahaja memilih untuk tidak memaafkan pesalah tersebut, akan tetapi mereka memilih untuk memaafkan untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik.

Sumber : Google

Fikirkanlah. Bagaimana agaknya jika kita berada di tempat orang yang melakukan kesalahan? Apa perasaan kita jika orang tidak ingin memaafkan kesalahan yang telah kita lakukan? Kita sebagai manusia memang tidak lari dari melakukan kesalahan. Ini sememangnya diketahui ramai. Oleh sebab itu, memaafkan kesalahan orang lain sangatlah penting.

1) Enright, R. D. (2001). Forgiveness Is A Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope. Washington, DC.

Nur'Ain binti Jahori (48420)

Weight does not Define your Success

Is that person anorexic? Is that person bulimic?  These are the constant questions that will be asked by others when it comes to eating disorder. Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are the most common eating disorders that are well known by most of the people. But do you know that there are still other eating disorders that would have the symptoms just like Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa? Disorder such as Food Emotional Avoidance Disorder (FEAD), selective eating, and Functional Dysphagia were example of eating disorder that yet to be recognized or established as eating disorder. However, these three disorders are more common among children and adolescents as compared to adults. 

                    Food Emotional Avoidance Disorder (FEAD)

Source: Google

     Food Emotional Avoidance Disorder (FEAD) is a disorder used to describe a group of underweight children who have inadequate food intake and emotional disturbance. (Khan & Chowdhury, 2011). The symptoms of FEAD would usually be mistaken as Anorexia Nervosa or other emotional disorder such as anxiety and depression. The reason for them not eating was not because of their body weight or size but rather they are constantly being affected by their mood which leads to the loss of appetite and eating. Those who suffer from FAED are usually between the ages of 5 and 16 years. (Khan & Chowdhury, 2011). They are aware that they are underweight but they do not feel the hunger and do not have the eager to consume food like normal children their age. 


Selective Eating

Source: Google
Selective eating was used to describe children who only eat or consume food that they favored. The food that they pick maybe due to the color, the saltiness or sweetness of certain food  that will trigger their taste buds. This disorder usually limits their intake of a balanced diet. We often refer selective eater as “picky”. According to Health Canada (as cited in Hamilton Health Sciences, 2007), there are 4 food groups that selective eaters often do not consume.
  • ·         Milk
  • ·         Grain products
  • ·         Vegetables and fruits
  • ·         Meats

This disorder is commonly seen in pre-school children and those of ages 7 and 11 years. They do not have the willingness to try new food and they would prefer to stick to their own food list. Selective eaters usually have normal body weight and have adequate amount of food intake which help them in the growth and development of their body. Besides, they have no difficulty in swallowing or keeping down their favoured foods.

                                        Functional Dysphagia

Source: Google
Functional Dysphagia or food phobia is the most serious of all the three disorder. Children suffer from this disorder are afraid of eating especially lumpy or solid foods. They refuse to consume food for the fear that it may contain poisons that would kill them or believe that swallowing the food would cause them to choke or vomit. (Royal College of Psychiatrist, n.d. ) The reason for not eating was not because the concerned of body size or weight but they may suffer from certain traumatic experiences that triggered the phobia.

Below is the table obtains from Trillium Health Partners (2013). The table contains short description of all the three disorder that are usually found in children.

Table 1.0 The short description of the three disorder mentioned. (Trillium Health Partners, 2013)

Eating may look simple and small but none of the living things in the world that do not need to eat to survive. Therefore healthy eating is important especially among children who need large amount of nutrients for growth and development of their body. It is crucial for us to take serious note on the disorder mentioned to protect our children. Our actions determine the fate of our future generation. Parents should take good care of their children before it is too late. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. Therefore, they have to make their children health as the first priority. Always remember that a “healthy mind comes with a healthy body”.

Source: Google

Thank you for reading my blog and I hope that you get some benefits from what you had just read.



Jocelyn Ng Xiao Hui (47102).

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Apa yang membuat manusia menangis “What makes people cry?”

         Tajuk ini sangat menarik bagi saya kerana menangis adalah pekara yang normal dalam kehidupan manusia. Menangis adalah tindakbalas fizikal akibat dari refleksi ataupun dari emosi yang di alami manusia. Bagi saya, menangis dapat menghilangkan segala tekanan, masalah dalam diri manusia, walaubagaimanapun ada juga yang bertanggapan menangis melambangkan keperibadian kelemahan seseorang itu. Tapi sebaliknya menangis merupakan salah satu cara melepaskan emosi yang terpendam dalam diri yang sangat wajar dan mempunyai manfaat tersendiri. Tangisan sebagai cara penyaluran emosi yang positif, seseorang yang mudah menitiskan air mata bukan mempunyai keperibadian yang lemah malah orang itu mempunyai mental yang kuat. Terdapat beberapa alasan kenapa manusia menangis, pertama mereka tidak takut menunjukkan saat mereka rapuh, maksudnya disini walaupun ada yang bertanggapan menangis negatif mereka berani menyatakan perasaan rapuh tersebut. Selain itu, alasannya mereka berani menghadapi emosi, tidak takut dengan pandangan orang lain, dan mereka tahu bahawa pentingnya air mata.
            Apa yang dikongsikan oleh Tawnya Hettwer dalam penulisannya, ada beberapa topik yang menimbulkan kesedihan iaitu mengenai haiwan peliharaan, harapan, kegembiraan, dan mimpi semasa kanak-kanak. Bagi saya, saya bersetuju dengan topik haiwan peliharaan menyebabkan kesedihan, contohnya kematian haiwan peliharaan tersebut. Sewaktu saya masih kecil saya mempunyai haiwan peliharaan iaitu kucing, sayang akan kucing sehingga tidak sanggup berpisah dengan binatang tersebut, dan pada sesuatu saat kucing saya pun sakit dan akhirnya mati dan mulai detik tersebut saya menjadi trauma dan takut dengan kucing sampai sekarang. Kini saya mula perasaan pada diri saya dan keluarga, semenjak kematian kucing peliharaan kami sekeluarga tidak lagi memelihara binatang dan saya menjadi takut dan geli untuk menyentuh kucing.
Setiap manusia mempunyai peristiwa yang tersendiri yang boleh menyebabkan menitisnya air mata. Kesimpulannya, topik ini sangat menarik jika kita memahami, kerana menangis adalah hal yang normal bagi setiap manusia tetapi ada kisah disebalik tangisan tersebut. Walaupun ada juga yang bertanggapan menangis itu adalah sifat yang lemah dan negatif. Dan kita sebagai seorang kaunselor haruslah bijak mengetahui kenapa dan mengapa klien kita menangis. Renungkanlah.

Rujukan :

Sekian terima kasih

                                                                                                       by Khairul Hamizah Melati

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


                                                                 Sumber : Google

Sebelum saya masuk dalam topik ini lebih lanjut ingin saya bawa rakan - rakan semua ke dalam suatu cerita seorang remaja yang terlibat dalam gejala sexting ini. Michaela Synder 12 tahun merupakan seorang anak kepada Sarjan Polis di suatu negara barat. Apabila Michaela mencecah umur 12 tahun, minatnya terhadap golongan berlainan jantina amat tinggi sehinggalah dia mempunyai seorang teman lelaki yang sama gred dengannya. Michaela sanggup melakukan apa sahaja untuk mengekalkan hubungan mereka kerana dia sudah tergila - gilakan teman lelakinya itu. 

Sering kali remaja kurang keyakinan diri dan akan melakukan perkara-perkara yang tidak sihat untuk kasih sayang terhadap orang lain. 

Teman lelaki Michaela yang meminta beliau untuk menghantar gambar separuh bogel dari telefon bimbitnya. Pada mulanya, Michaela enggan dan berasa tertekan untuk menghantar gambar kerana teman lelakinya mengugutnya. Dia terpaksa sama ada menghantar gambar tersebut atau teman lelakinya itu akan meninggalkan Michaela.

Namun hal ini dapat diketahui juga oleh ibu Michaela apabila ibunya mendapati gambar - gambar yang terdapat di telefon pintarnya itu. Tanpa berlengah lagi ibu dan bapanya segera ke rumah teman lelakinya itu tetapi semuanya sudah terlambat kerana gambar - gambarnya yang tidak patut itu telah disebarkan kepada rakan - rakan sebayanya dan akhirnya dia dipersendakan. Apa yang mengecewakan dalam hal ini ialah ibu - bapa  Michaela menyangkakan bahawa dia boleh melalui hal ini kerana dia dan kakaknya mendapat pendedahan mengenai seks, tekanan remaja dan keyakinan diri daripada ibu dan bapanya, tambahan pula bapanya seorang polis yang menyiasat tentang jenayah seks. Tetapi pendedahan tanpa kawalan tidak berkesan kerana Michaela selalu berasa sunyi dirumah.

Sumber : Google

Sexting bermaksud melibatkan perkongsian imej bogel atau seksual, secara amnya diri sendiri, dengan orang lain melalui teks / media sosial pesanan / segera.

Merujuk kepada blog yang berada di American Counseling Association saya amat tertarik mengenai penulisan dan tajuk yang ditulis oleh Adina SIlvestri yang bertajuk Mental Health and Children: Sexting and Harassment . Remaja yang membesar dalam dunia teknologi tanpa sempadan ini, tidak kira remaja ataupun masih kanak - kanak terlalu banyak dijamu dengan hidangan teknologi yang canggih - manggihlah katakan contohnya penggunaan telefon pintar pada usia yang tidak sepatutnya. Pendedahan telefon pintar ini dan kesannya kepada remaja dan kanak - kanak akan mendidik mereka untuk hanya MELIHAT sahaja tanpa BERFIKIR. 
Ini kerana mereka yang sepatutnya melakukan aktiviti harian seperti bersosial dalam erti kata bersosial yang sebenar seperti keluar bersama rakan - rakan dan mengalami pengalaman sebenar untuk membentuk kendiri diri. 

Remaja yang terlibat dengan gejala sexting ini mempunyai 3 senario iaitu : -

  • Pertukaran gambar selalunya diantara 2 pasangan
  • Pertukaran gambar diantara pasangan dan dikongsi bersama orang lain
  • Pertukaran gambar diantara 2 orang walaupun tidak mempunyai hubungan tetapi dikongsi bersama orang lain.

Sumber : Google

Fakta pantas  tentang sexting:

  • 11% remaja mengakui bahawa mereka telah menghantar gambar kepada orang asing (Cox Communications)

  • 80% daripada remaja yang melakukan sexting adalah di bawah umur 18 tahun (Cox Communications)

  • Lebih separuh (57%) daripada remaja daripada kajian 2012 melaporkan bahawa mereka  telah diminta untuk menghantar mesej berbaur seks yang (JAMA)

  • 12% daripada gadis-gadis remaja merasa tertekan untuk menghantar mesej berbaur seks (Kempen Kebangsaan)

  • 38% daripada gadis-gadis remaja dan 39% daripada kanak-kanak lelaki remaja mengatakan mereka mempunyai mesej teks senonoh atau e-mel-asalnya bertujuan untuk orang lain yang dikongsi dengan mereka (Kempen Kebangsaan)

Sumber : Google

Mengapa  Remaja Melakukan Sexting?

Terdapat pelbagai sebab remaja melibatkan diri dalam sexting. Sesetengah orang mungkin merasa tertekan ke dalam berbuat demikian dan kemudiannya akur kepada tekanan itu. Lain-lain pula  hanya berminat dengan seks dan menggunakan sexting sebagai saluran untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut mengenai aktiviti seksual. Walaubagaimanapun, ia adalah tingkah laku berisiko yang boleh tanah mana-mana remaja terdedah dalam kesusahan contohnya berasa tekanan akibat gambar - gambar mereka tersebar dan menjadi bahan jenaka kemudian boleh menjurus kepada bunuh diri. 

Sumber : Google
Kesan Jangka Panjang Sexting 

  • Terdedah kepada manipulasi gambar di internet
  • Pornografi kanak - kanak
  • Dilabel sebagai pesalah seksual
  • Ibu - bapa dilabel oleh orang sekeliling

Akhir sekali bagaimana kita mengajar remaja untuk mengelakkan tingkah laku dalam talian yang berbahaya ini. Pertama sekali, kita perlu menyediakan latihan dan pendidikan. Contohnya remaja boleh diajar kemahiran membuat keputusan. Melalui pendidikan dan membolehkan mereka untuk berfikir melalui situasi yang sukar, Kita sebagai kaunselor pelatih haruslah bersedia untuk membantu bukan sahaja remaja tersebut tetapi ibu - bapa untuk menangani hal yang sedemikian kerana dari pendedahan dari ibu - bapa itu sendiri tidak mencukupi tanpa pengawasan penggunaan gadjet untuk melindungi anak mereka terlibat dengan gejala sexting ini.

