Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Magic of Metaphor

What is Metaphor?

Metaphor is a literary device that compare two unlike things with common characteristics using the linking verbs such as is, are,was and were. Metaphors can compare the known to the unknown; the abstract to the concrete; or dry stuff to fascinating topics. For example, “You are my sunshine,” just like the sun brings warmth and happiness to someone’s day; you do the same, by bringing happiness to someone’s day. You are sunshine because you share the characteristic of making someone happy.

Source: Google

How do metaphors work?

Metaphors engage the right brain – just like stories and poems. They by-pass rationality and lower defenses to sales pitches. 


That’s why metaphors can make you more persuasive. Metaphors in therapy, as in life, are so powerful because they: 

• Allow us to shift our perspective and unlock old ways of thinking that do not work.
• Help us think flexibly.
• Evoke emotion, and feelings are the keys to change.
• Help us understand better than words alone
• Offer increased insight by associating a concept with an example that we understand well in everyday life.

The author of the blog said: "I have often been surprised that client resistance and confusion seems to diminish if I find the right metaphor that serves to bring on an "aha" moment in my therapy sessions. On many occasions, using a powerful metaphor can turn a session around and bring therapist and client to a new level of teamwork, especially as metaphors often evoke laughter and positive emotion, while limiting defensiveness.

This shows the effectiveness of metaphors in helping the client to gain their insight. We, as counsellor trainees are encouraged to use metaphorical stories and examples to help clients to visualise their points. 

Source: Google

In conclusion, there are infinite list of metaphors that our clients and us can use. Let us learn metaphors, apply metaphors and prepare to be amazed with its magic!





Hii Mon Rou 46980

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